Supplementary Lesson Plan: Emergency Preparedness

A 100% FREE Educational Resource by the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Quick Facts

  • Grade: 4 and up
  • Time: 1.5-3 hours
  • Topics:
    • Introduction to Emergency Preparedness
    • Creating an Emergency Kit
    • Designing a Family Communication Plan
  • Learning Modalities:
    • Activities (games, challenges, and tasks)
    • Online videos
    • Discussion questions


Homeschooling provides a unique opportunity to tailor your child’s education to their individual needs and interests. As you embark on this rewarding journey, it’s essential to equip your children with not only academic knowledge but also practical life skills. That’s where the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) comes in, offering a valuable and free educational lesson plan that can empower your homeschooling curriculum like never before.

In today’s post, we’re excited to introduce you to an incredible educational resource provided by FEMA. This free lesson plan is designed to teach your children essential life skills related to emergency preparedness, safety, and community resilience. As homeschooling parents, you have the flexibility to weave these critical lessons seamlessly into your curriculum, ensuring that your children are well-prepared for any situation.

Key Features of FEMA’s STEP Lesson Plan

  1. Real-World Relevance: The lesson plan focuses on practical skills that every individual should possess, such as creating an emergency kit, understanding disaster types, and developing a family communication plan. These skills are not only valuable in emergencies but also contribute to overall preparedness and self-sufficiency.
  2. Customizable for All Ages: Whether you’re homeschooling a kindergartener or a high schooler, this lesson plan is adaptable to different age groups. It offers age-appropriate activities, discussions, and exercises that engage your children while imparting crucial knowledge.
  3. Interdisciplinary Learning: FEMA’s lesson plan seamlessly integrates subjects such as science, geography, communication, and problem-solving. This interdisciplinary approach enriches your homeschooling curriculum and provides a holistic education.
  4. Engaging Resources: The lesson plan provides access to a variety of engaging resources, including videos, interactive games, and downloadable materials. These resources make learning about emergency preparedness not only informative but also fun.

Getting Started

To access FEMA’s free educational lesson plan, simply follow the link provided here. You’ll find a treasure trove of educational materials that will inspire meaningful discussions, practical activities, and a deeper understanding of emergency preparedness.

[This resource is 100% FREE! An optional survey will pop-up from the link, but you may proceed to the lesson plan without answering if you like.]

Incorporating the Lesson Plan into Your Curriculum

Integrating FEMA’s lesson plan into your homeschooling curriculum is simple. Review the available materials, choose 3 half- to one-hour periods that align with your child’s learning schedule, and incorporate provided activities in the order they occur in the lesson plan. The lessons can be standalone activities or seamlessly integrated into existing subjects, such as social studies.


Homeschooling goes beyond textbooks and classrooms; it’s about nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with practical skills that extend beyond academia. FEMA’s free educational lesson plan is a valuable tool that empowers you to teach your children essential life skills while fostering a sense of preparedness and responsibility. By incorporating these lessons, you’re not only enriching your homeschooling experience but also preparing your children for a safer and more resilient future.


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