Our Values

At Homeschool IQ, we believe that education is a sacred journey, and homeschooling is a unique and deeply personal experience that parents undertake to provide their children with the best possible education. In a world where online resources are abundant, we understand that your trust is invaluable, and we are committed to upholding our values to ensure a safe and enriching environment for you and your family.

Responsible Use of Data

We understand the concerns many homeschooling parents have about the misuse of personal data. Unlike many other homeschool blogs and programs, Homeschool IQ is steadfast in our commitment to responsible data usage. We never sell your data to third parties to earn money. Your privacy is of utmost importance, and your information will never be compromised for financial gain.

We respect your autonomy as a homeschooling parent. Unlike some platforms that require you to sign up or provide personal information to access online resources, we believe in empowering you with the freedom to explore our offerings without any pressure. Your journey with Homeschool IQ is based on your terms, ensuring that you make the decisions that best align with your family’s needs.

Homeschooling is about providing your children with the best education, and we are here to support you in that mission. We are dedicated to offering a space that privileges resources and information that truly matter to you. Our commitment to limited advertising space means that the focus remains on what you need most – quality educational content that enhances your homeschooling experience.


Openness is the cornerstone of our relationship with you. We are committed to being transparent about how we sustain our platform. Homeschool IQ generates revenue through strictly limited advertisements and clearly noted product lists. We earn a small amount from every purchase made through these links, helping us maintain and improve our offerings while staying true to our values.

At Homeschool IQ, we stand united with homeschooling families, celebrating the diverse journeys that each family embarks upon. We are your partners, dedicated to providing you with a safe, enriching, and respectful space where your values and aspirations as a homeschooling parent are honored and upheld. Join us in creating an empowered educational experience that places your family’s needs at the forefront.